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Rhythm / Balance

Reading: Graphic Design: The New Basics

Rhythm and Balance

Within this reading balance is described as a “fundamental human condition”. In design, balance acts as a catalyst form, it anchors and activates elements in space. If your eye gets caught on a particular design element, it is due to the placement, space and balance of this object in contrast to the negative space within the image. Relationships on the page remind us of physical relationships. If the weight of once or more things is distributed evenly in a design document, visual balance occurs. Components in balance, within space and form, develop pleasant visual, aesthetically pleasing for the eye.

A symmetrical design, is inherently stable as it has the same elements on at least two sides along a common axis. “Designers employ contrasting size, texture, value, colour and shape to offset or emphasize the weight of an object … to achieve sense of balance”.

Rhythm is described within this reading as a “strong, regular, repeated pattern: the beating of drums, the patter of rain, the falling of footsteps”.

Rhythm can be seen through music, speech and dance. It is also very noticeable within graphic design, as it is used as construction of static images as well as in books, magazines, and motion graphics that have duration and sequence.

“Balance and rhythm work together to create works of design that pulse with life, achieving both stability and surprise”.


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